In 2016,Past Projects
Total Population of the village: 2, 113 (Male 1018, female 1,095)
Number of students in school
- Primary school total 590 (Male 282, Female 308)
- Secondary school is 185 (Male 120, Female 65)
GPS Location of village Coordinates (36M 0646511 UTM 9790905) or (X=0646511, Y= 9790905) while El=1339M.
Name of the AICT Mara Pastor at Nyankomogo is: Amos Malongo
Water committee leaders:
- Jackson Masoud- Chairman
- Zera Mafuru-
- Vedastus Mashauri
- Chausiku Malundi
- Mama Fred
Village leaders
- Elias Ngambamala- Village Chairman
- Daudi .J. Mwita- Village Executive Council
- Mashaka Gobi- Member
- Vorica Chacha- Member
- Berenado Saimon- Member