• 406-439-2110
  • info@compassiontanzania.org

Busekwa Nyasia Village

Families in Busekwas that rely on the contaminated water.The village of Busekwa is located in the Magu District, with a population of 3,000 people.  It is located 5 km from the paved road.  Busekwa currently has a shallow hand-dug well that is about 6 m in depth, and a traditional water source (pond).  The quality of the water from these sources is poor, and the traditional water source runs dry this time of year.

Busekwa is one of CT’s priority villages.  Perhaps you will help us drill a deep borehole well in this village to bring clean water to its 732 primary school students, their families, 15 widows and 20 orphan children.